Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thinking About Puppy Raiser's

Dogs with Wings has been busy with puppies and adult dogs over the last couple of months:

  • The two new litters (G & H) have started their journey in the puppy program and are bonding with their puppy raiser's.
  • The first phase of Breton's litter, the Nova Scotia litter, have left their puppy raiser's and moved into the adult program, with the remaining pups to enter in the coming weeks. The F-litter will be entering the adult program shortly too.
  • There are adult dogs who have completed their training journey and moved into their destined role as guide, assistance or autism service dog. Soon, the office will be full of dogs at the beginning of a new cycle of adult training as the remaining older dogs are coming to the end of their adult training journey.

With all of the changes happening, it has got me thinking of the puppy raiser's. Those who have recently began a new puppy raising journey, those who have (or soon will be) letting their dogs go on to the next phase of their training journey and for those who are seeing the dogs they raised from puppies to adults entering their destined partnership that they worked so hard to help them get to.

Here is a link to a poem called, Puppy Raiser's Prayer by Melanie S. Meenen. If you are a puppy raiser, maybe this can help you right now. If you have read it before, it's a nice poem to read again from time to time.

Puppy Raiser's Prayer by Melanie S. Meenen:

Shannon & Breton