Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Summer Post

I've been waiting for inspiration to post pictures from our summer vacation with the dog's, and today I think I got it.  For the first time since Spring, I have turned on the furnace; it is going right now.  The weather is rainy and dreary, the leaves are changing color and at the dog park today, I noticed leaves on the ground.  I think a summer post is definetly needed to brighten this day.

There is a fenced field right on the highway in Clearwater.  It is actually school grounds, but during the summer, no one is there.  We camped in Clearwater our first night, and let the dogs run here twice.  It is perfect for anyone passing through with dogs.

Once we arrived to the Shuswap, the dogs swam every day.  If you were to ask them, it was one of the best vacations of their lives.  They were in complete bliss.

Swimming led to lots of sleeping. This picture is a gem; who knew we would ever get a picture of Bentley, asleep on a beach!

Clipper was so tired after her morning swim that she climbed back up into the trailer when we got back, and curled up on our bed and went straight back to sleep.
Smokey day on the boat.
Look!  There's a pirate on the boat!
Our Clipper in Jasper, showing off her well behaved self infront of a busy coffee shop while Greg went inside for coffee's.  We were sitting beside two well behaved (beautiful), five-month-old, chocolate lab's when I took this picture.
Clipper on the home stretch.  She had enough of being in her kennel and decided that she would rather be on her kennel instead.
What a great holiday! 

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am sitting here thinking, I really need to post some of our pictures from our summer camping vacation to the Shuswap this year, but I'm still not feeling ready to make a post on that yet (no particular reason, just not inspired yet).  So, as I am struggling to think what to Blog about, it occured to me, just now, that it is in fact Bentley's BIRTHDAY today and I forgot

Bentley is FOUR years old today. 

I feel guilty for not having a toy for him today and for the fact that I got home late and not only did he have a late dinner (or no Birthday dinner), but, he didn't get out for a bike ride like I planned to do with him this evening.  When I got home, I loaded the girls into the van and took them to a park in the neighbourhood for a quick game of fetch, and even though the sky quickly got black and the wind picked up, I thought I would still have time to also take Bentley out for his exercise (and mine).  I was wrong though, the streak lightening stopped me from taking him out.  So, had I remembered his Birthday, I most definitely would have gotten him out first. 

We will have to make it up to our B Boy this weekend.  Greg is out this evening and I am sure he has forgotten what day it is too.  I guess it's a good thing that Bentley is a dog and really has no sense of what the heck "today" is. 

Happy Birthday to our most special Boy Dog! 

Lots and lots of love to you always Bentley.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

PUPPIES - 7 Weeks Old

Izzie came with us.  Izzie is from Macey's first litter.  She is eleven months old now!
Izzie with her mama.

Some More of the Many Looks of Bentley

He cracks us up.