Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sadly, and Much too Early, a New Journey Begins for our Bentley


Bentley went to the vet on Friday because I was worried about the amount of water he has been drinking and the accidents he has been having in the house.  The good doctor (I think he is great) pulled up his weight history and we discovered Bentley has lost roughly 20% of his body weight over the last year.  I have been trying to figure out what has been going on with his coat too, for the last "two" years, it has been getting patchy and dull.  Blood work and a urine sample was given and I got the call yesterday about the results.  Bentley has very high levels of a hormone called cortisol in his blood and his urine sample was dilute.  This points too Cushing's Disease, a disease that effects either the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, or the adrenal gland, near the kidneys.  In healthy dogs (and people), the two glands communicate together to balance stress hormones in the body that affect blood sugar, metabolism, muscles, kidney function, immune system, etc.  Bentley's glands aren't communicating properly and so now we have to find out which gland is being affected by a small tumor.  If it is the adrenal gland, surgery can remove the tumor and essentially cure him of Cushing's Disease.  If the tumor is on the pituitary gland, surgery to remove it is not performed on dogs and he will have to go on medication.  80-85% Of dogs have the tumor on their pituitary gland.  This disease is more common in older dogs and Bentley is only three.

Today, Bentley will spend the day at the vet to confirm the diagnosis by receiving a low injection of simulated cortisol.  A healthy dog will stop producing cortisol when the injection is received.  From here, the next step will be to determine where the tumor is. 


  1. hi Shannon. that was well written and so sad to read about. Bently is in an amazing home where you are doing all for him to make him health and happy!keep hoping for the best


  2. Christine JohnsonMay 18, 2010 at 7:33 PM

    Oh no! Poor boy. But, knowing Bently, this will not stop him! He will charge toward getting better!

  3. Now that's not good news!! Let Bentley know that Auntie M is wishing, hoping and praying that it is the lesser of the 2 evils and he can get his health back without having to take pills. :'(
