Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nicknames (and Rafter's Debut onto the Blog)

When Greg and I are talking about the dogs, we use nicknames for them and use their given names when we are showing them affection, praise or giving them a cue. This way, when they hear their given name, they almost always pay attention.

Do you have nicknames for your pets? The most recent one I've found myself saying to them (including the bird) is "Hello Moto" from the Motorola commercial, and what's worse is that I use that same robotic voice when I say it. Maybe I should be embarrassed to let this information out into the world so openly but, here are some of the nicknames we use for our pets:

BRETON a.k.a.: Miss, Missus, Munchkin, Pushkin (okay, most of these are reserved for conversation between Breton and I and a select couple for conversation between Greg and I), Stinker, Stinky Girl, Peanut, Precious

RAFFI a.k.a.: Rafter, Crafter, Raf, Walter Cronkite (after the CBS anchorman), Cronk, Cronker, Walter, Word, Birdie (Rafter, Raffi, Raf and Birdie he repeats back when he is talking)

BENTLEY a.k.a.: Handsome, Dansome, Gentley, Rentler, Bud, Bentley Boy, Benty

Does it take a few minutes to think back to the nicknames you have called your pet? It's funny for me to see how the nicknames for our "Lovelies" have evolved.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, will have to admit to doing the same with Sierra. The formal name of Sierra really only gets used when we need to get her attention, and in most cases it will be quickly followed with a formal command. It seems to work in most cases.

    And, I will further admit I have mixed feelings about a 3 syllable dog name, as it tends to be a mouthful when you want to get it out quickly.

    In the non training situations she gets called lots of things depending on whether it is good stuff or not so good. Munchkie, Munchkin, Monkey, and Baby Bear, are some of the fun ones. Mutt and Doofus are the common names for the stupid stuff she sometimes gets into. The day before she was to go in to be spayed she walked right into the middle of a big mud puddle at Laurier and then proceeded to lay down in it. That drew the dreaded four letter Mutt name in a hurry.

    Last I will admit that it has not been all that long since we lost our last Brittany Spaniel, Connie, and Sierra often gets called Connie, especially when she lays in Connie's favourite spot.

    I find if you are making eye contact, then it really does not matter what name you use. They just know. Then when they are not looking, that's when the formal name seems to have some value -- well most of the time!!
