Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Puppy Moment

Bentley was eight months old the last time he did any significant damage to the house; he chewed through the baseboard and drywall on a corner of the wall. Breton was eighteen months the last time she did any damage. She turned eighteen months a couple of weeks ago.

You know those "puppy moments" when out of nowhere they get a sudden burst of energy and start running around in a frenzy of pure hyperactive wildness that only last seconds? When Breton has one of those moments, she tucks her tail nice and tight, her bum almost touches the floor and she guns it like a speed boat with its aft in the water and its nose in the air.

Breton had a puppy moment last week. She opened it up in the bedroom and made a mad run into the hallway where she did a tight 180 degree turn back into the bedroom and smacked her hip right in between two studs of the bedroom wall. That was her first lap, and it didn’t stop her. Greg and I were dumbfounded as she ran in and out of our room, Greg holding Bentley who watched on in awe, and me wondering if her hip was okay. Her hip was okay, the wall not so much; one for Breton, zero for the house. When we showed the wall to my seven-year-old Niece, she said, "If Breton hit it ten times harder, she would have fallen outside."

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. I love watching the dogs when they get the mentals...but thank goodness none have planted their butts in my wall yet....yet!!!
