Thursday, February 26, 2009

Corona LRT Station

Today we joined Debbie's puppy class and met at Corona (indoor) LRT station downtown where we practiced a variety of obedience work, rode the LRT to a couple of other stations and went on an escalator. I am blogging today's class because today was the first day that Breton rode on an escalator! She has been an eager and happy puppy to hang out on the escalator platform for a couple of months now, but with a little nudge to her bum and encouragement, today she found herself leaving the platform behind. Breton earned lots of praise, yummy treats and bum scratches for a job well done and in typical Breton character, she returned the affection with tail wags and wiggles. I know we have more work to do to keep her comfortable and confident at going up them, but today was a big step! I have been waiting patiently for Breton to take the first step on her own as I know that without an experienced Dogs with Wings trainer to help guide us, that I would not have taken her up without Debbie being there to assist us with getting on and off. It is very important that Dogs with Wings show us when and how to introduce the escalator to our puppy and that we not take them on before we have been shown how. Thanks so much Debbie for your help and encouragement in getting Breton on and off of the escalator and for having us in your class today!

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